InLong. Sweet. Valuable.byAxel Casas, PhD CandidateWhy You MUST Read Behave By Robert SapolskyThis book will change your perspective of life3d ago13d ago1
Katrina PaulsonScientists Confirm that Language is Not Required for ThinkingThe connection between language and thinking has been a bit of a chicken or an egg debate, but the results are in.Jan 1833Jan 1833
InStarts With A Bang!byEthan SiegelHow charges and masses create the Universe around usFrom the tiniest subatomic scales to the grandest cosmic structures of all, everything that exists depends on two things: charge and mass.Mar 56Mar 56
InStarts With A Bang!byEthan SiegelHow small are the fundamental particles of the Universe?When we divide matter into its fundamental, indivisible components, are those particles truly point-like, or is there a finite minimum…Feb 2014Feb 2014
InFossils et al.byOutreach LabHow Tiny Algae Shaped the Evolution of Giant ClamsThe Genetic Secrets Behind Giant Clams and Their Tiny Algal PartnersFeb 19Feb 19
InThe Infinite UniversebyTim Andersen, Ph.D.Purpose may be an emergent property of lifeTeleology returns to biologyJan 2657Jan 2657
InStarts With A Bang!byEthan SiegelProtons: made of quarks, but ruled by gluonsA proton is the only stable example of a particle composed of three quarks. But inside the proton, gluons, not quarks, dominate.Jan 236Jan 236
InThe Infinite UniversebyTim Andersen, Ph.D.The Multiverse may not remove the need for a Personal CreatorScientists agree that the universe was in a hot dense period approximately 13.8 billion years ago. Everything we have observed from the…Jan 2135Jan 2135
Mark HammonsThe Wildest UAP DisclosureA bridge too far is possibly the one we have to take. Ready for the toll?Jan 511Jan 511
InThought ThinkersbyPierz Newton-JohnCan Spirituality and Reason Ever Be Reconciled?The power of strange events to shake skepticismDec 19, 2024150Dec 19, 2024150
InThe Infinite UniversebyTim Andersen, Ph.D.The Many Worlds of quantum mechanics may be waves in a 5th dimensionI have argued for a while that quantum mechanics can be interpreted correctly if you introduce a 5th dimension. In that case, different…Dec 19, 202419Dec 19, 202419
Gerald R. BaronThe rise of uncertainty in entropy and the arrow of timeA long read that explores changing ideas about entropy and the arrow of time. Entropy is now seen as a measure of uncertainty. How does…Dec 18, 20248Dec 18, 20248
InStarts With A Bang!byEthan SiegelThe quantum reason behind the solidity of matterIf atoms are mostly empty space, then why can’t two objects made of atoms simply pass through each other? Quantum physics explains why.Dec 18, 202422Dec 18, 202422
Chris FerrieThis is where quantum physics comes fromThe quantum year is coming.Dec 15, 202411Dec 15, 202411
InStarts With A Bang!byEthan SiegelWhy the number “1/137” appears everywhere in natureOne of the fundamental constants of nature, the fine-structure constant, determines so much about our Universe. Here’s why it matters.Dec 6, 202424Dec 6, 202424
InThe Quantastic Journalby艾米心amihartWhy the Basis of Reality Is Not in Interactions: Observation Can’t Be Replaced With InteractionA Constructive Critique on Carlo Rovelli’s Philosophy of Weak RealismNov 22, 202416Nov 22, 202416
InFossils et al.byPaul VeroOh Brontothere, Why Have You Gone Away?From hothouse to icehouse in 22 million yearsNov 23, 20249Nov 23, 20249
InStarts With A Bang!byEthan SiegelAsk Ethan: What’s the deal with cosmic inflation and the Big Bang?Almost everyone asserts that the Big Bang was the beginning of everything, followed by inflation. Has everyone gotten the order wrong?Nov 1, 20249Nov 1, 20249
InStarts With A Bang!byEthan SiegelAsk Ethan: Is Earth the center of the Universe?In all directions, at great distances, the Universe looks younger, more uniform, and less evolved. Does that mean Earth must be the center?Oct 4, 202415Oct 4, 202415